Well like most weeks, these past few have had their ups and downs. The glorious first few days of potty training were obviously to lure me into a false sense of security. Although things are still going very well and she had an entire week without a single accident, there were a number of days with some very tricky accidents. But that's how we all learn right?
We've had a rough weekend with each of us with a different ailment and pour Eliza continues to yoyo up and down with a fever. It's hard to see your kids struggling so much and there being very little you can do. Patrick has been amazing getting up the the kids at night as I have been more sick than him. We're glad we had the weekend to rest.
On the Up side, we are all getting very excited for Christmas and enjoyed spreading Nativities throughout the house. We are planning our annual parties and are mostly done shopping. One of our favorite traditions is to fill a small manger with hay as we complete different acts of service, so that baby Jesus will have a soft bed by Christmas Day. Eliza came downstairs the other morning and announced that she was going to make my bed. She did a really good job too. I enjoy seeing my kids learn about serving others and this is such a great time of year to learn these lessons.
I finally downloaded some pictures, so here are our new counters and kitchen (still a couple things to do) and a Halloween picture of the girls with their cousins Freyja and Cora and Eliza's snowman she made herself.