Sunday, November 8, 2009


We had a fun Halloween and the kids had lots of fun dressing up. Isaac got to be a cow, bear and bee and Eliza was a Ballerina and Lion and Adaline was very committed to being Queen Esther. She got a little confused at the beginning and talked about being either Queen Martha or Ashley, because she knew it was one of her Aunts. I made her a special crown and she was very happy. We went trick or treating with Auntie Ashley for a while and then met up with the Larsens. The kids had so much fun running up to the doors. Freyja and Eliza are getting fast. And knock on wood, I managed to put the candy up in the cupboard again and no one has asked for it. No one tell my kids that most kids actually get to eat their candy.

My little bee

Eliza (Ballerina), Freyja (Vampire), Kyra (Princess) at the school party

Queen Esther

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More photo fun

Well, I didn't put these in order very well, but these are some pictures I did for my class and some I was just playing around with. See if you can find the letter in the pea picture. Patrick brought me home those daisies the other day and I have had fun taking different pictures of them. And poor Isaac has sweetly tolerated a few 45 min long photo sessions while I play. He's very patient.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Photo Fun

I just started a photography course and have been having tons of fun. Here are a few of my first shots. We went to the pumpkin fest in Barnwell, which was a great photo op. Tons of fun and very cold. I have been learning the joy of taking pictures of things that don't move.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

On the wall

So, ever since we got our family pictures I've been wanting them on the wall because I love them and want to look at them. So here they are, thanks to help from my dear friend Kamille. I stole the idea from my cousin Nicole who got her pics in 12*12 in a square. I love them, but not sure I picked all the right pictures. They are above my two yellow couches in the nook, now I just need to get some sconces, so it doesn't look like a big black hole next to them. What a fun project!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Family Joy

What a great weekend we had in Kelowna. We had the opportunity to watch Caleb be baptized by his father, my brother. It brought tears to my eyes to see how life comes full circle. It's neat to watch our children make choices and do the things that we did and have taught them to do.
We are happy to have Brad and Tilane back in Canada so that our children can build cousin relationships. They all play so well together. I'm thankful for the great parents that Brad and Tilane are, for their example and their children. Families really do bring joy.

My new life

I've had lots of thoughts and feelings as my new life of a child in school has begun. Eliza started Kindergarten this year and we are still adjusting to the new schedule of bus stops and early mornings. I am torn between the enjoyment of the break of one less child in the morning and the loss of time with Eliza and wondering what she is doing, saying, hearing, learning while she is away. I hope that she has learned enough at home to make good choices while she is away. She is very happy and making lots of new friends and enjoys having her buddy Freyja close.

The other part of my new life is that I actually get to be by myself during the day sometimes. Adaline is in Joy school, so about 6 days a month I have a morning to myself while Isaac sleeps. This is precious time and I am again torn. Do I relax and do something I enjoy, or do I clean as much as I can while I have less help? I guess today I did a little of both.

Family pictures

We had lots of fun taking this years family pictures in Lethbridge. I was stressed about what we were going to wear and then that morning a $12 dress and a $16 sweater brought it all together. Again, Esther was our incredible photographer. Enjoy.

Isaac 8 weeks

These pictures were taken by a girl in my ward, Jeanette Bruce. These are my favourites.

Isaac 5 weeks

I'm a little behind in posting pictures of Isaac, and we've taken lots. So here are a few at the different ages. These were taken by my sister Esther who is a budding photographer. We rocked him to sleep in that bucket so we could get the pictures. He was so patient.


We Blessed Isaac on August 9th and it was a very special day with many friends and family to share it with us. These are a few pics that Esther took. Doesn't he look cute in a tux.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All smiles

Isaac has been my most smiley baby, but it has been hard to capture the true extent of him smile on film. Here are my best efforts.

Patrick's last week

We were blessed to have Patrick home for 6 weeks as we welcomed Isaac into our home. It was nice to have lots of help and chances to sleep. After the second day of having him back at work, I am exhausted and feeling a little sick. We had lots of fun as a family and have already taken Isaac to Canmore and Montana. We were in a bit of a panic as we headed out of the city to cross the border and realized that we had no way to prove that he was ours. (Just in case anyone needs to know, you can cross the border with the hospital record before you have the birth certificate.) We had a great week enjoying family and the water at Echo Lake. Patrick even set up a zip line. (So uncharacteristic hey!!) My sister Esther took some fun pictures of Isaac and here are a few that I took. I haven't got copies of her pics yet.