Sunday, October 12, 2008

My new goal

My new goal is to try to update once a week, so we'll see how it goes. I also need to figure out how to attach all of your blogs to mine. Anyway, I have ordered my counters and they should be in before Christmas. It took weeks just to get a reliable quote, but it's finally in process. I'll post a picture as soon as the counters are in. I think the counters will do a lot for it, despite the advantages of random pieces of board for counter.
We also just finished taking care of four of my cousins for a week. It's very different having kids that can help out more and that stay up later. They are really good kids, but I have to say after being the mom of 6 for a week, I was a little more tired than usual. I guess it's a good preview as we are expecting our third child in May. We're very excited, but glad for the few months to get ready for the new arrival

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